1:1 Consulting session - The smart method I.T.C by Hagit Molgan
Immunity to Change™ (ITC) is a learning process developed by Harvard University faculty Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey, informed by 30 years of research on adult development and used in organizations throughout the world—offers an actionable model for transforming our lives and our organizations. Immunity to Change™ can be applied to a wide variety of personal and professional change goals, such as:
Improving your ability to receive critical feedback
Delegating in order to move an initiative forward
Creating a healthier work-life balance
Having more courageous conversations
Working more collaboratively within a group
Developing healthier eating or exercise habits.
<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->This is a two-hour meeting in which we go over a number of in-depth questions together, which require reflective observation that helps create a complete picture of a situation in which, on the one hand, effort is invested in a certain issue, and on the other hand, an elusive and clever resistance to acting on the same issue is also unconsciously invested. The questions are based on a protocol table developed by Prof. Kegan and Dr. Lahey. A short matching conversation is required before. It's a powerful process, I've gone through it myself several times and received great value. As a consultant and facilitator, I teach it as part of leadership programs for seniors. For any question- I'm here.