Up until now, many of the feminist movements dedicated their energy in fighting the system to see women as equals and allow them to lead.
At DoubleYou, we believe that the next phase of feminism is not about fighting the system to provide women with leadership positions. It's about pivoting the system so that feminine leadership is natural.
In order to make this a reality, we women need to lead. And we need to do it now! We come together to help each other wake up, to build the world our future generations deserve.
We need to help bring to life women's initiatives in business, politics, science and the arts.
Unfortunately, most women postpone pursuing their precious ideas, thinking they will be fulfilled "one day in the future". Most women dedicate their energy to fulfill other peoples’ ideas and keep their initiatives as something they will do “one day when I have the time”, in the same way one treats a hobby.
As long as most women do not actualize their ideas, we will remain in the world's current status quo: a world led almost exclusively by men. Such a world limits the diversity of ideas and opportunities people so desperately need.
The world needs women to innovate our political systems, our research and academia, our media, and the values that lead us, in a time when very soon technology will become part of the human brain.
The world needs more women to choose financial independence, to provide opportunities for minorities, and to create innovative solutions that balance work and home.
A world in which feminine and masculine live in harmony. A world that works for women, too.
We live for wild women, that have the courage to activate their passion, to speak up for what is right, to follow their pleasure and craziest ideas.
In our online and offline programs, we bring women together. We do not do it because we think women are weak and they need help to be empowered. The contrary: The reason we bring women together is because we know women are powerful beyond measure and the world urgently needs what they have to offer. Women that remember their powers can heal the world through their wisdom and love.
What kind of world do we want to manifest for future generations? What are our ideas for making it happen? And how can it become a product, an organization or a piece of art? We believe womens’ ideas are crucial and we want to support them in making them a reality. We practice connecting to our vision and translating it into a strategy, a business plan and a tangible commitment. Giving life to our ideas is the first step in creating a the more beautiful world our hearts know possible.
We believe that many of our internal resources lie in our ability to know our body; to recognize our yes, our no and know how to communicate it unapologetically in our home and in the workplace. We practice listening to our body, identifying its boundaries and desires and tapping into our sexual energy as a channel to access our life force energy.
"The idea in our culture as body solely as sculpture is wrong...Its purpose is to protect, contain, support and fire the spirit and soul within it..”Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
Half of the world's money is controlled by 8 men, and actually only 150 years ago women started to be allowed to own property. We work together to shift our complex relationship with money from guilt and shame into a loving relationship of courage and power.
Through our ongoing circles and retreats, we practice being vulnerable with each other, practice love, radical honesty, friendship and collaboration on our projects. We embody sisterhood both for our professional aspirations and for our health: A study published in the HBR found that women who have a strong circle of friends are more likely to get executive positions with a higher pay. A 2006 study found that women who had 10 or more friends were more likely to survive a disease than women who lacked close friends.
Many of us forgot our voice, our real questions and opinions. Our WILD. Some of us, even after we remember it- are afraid to share it with the world. “Women are two and a half times less likely to ask questions in academic seminars than men” (Carter et al. 2018) The Double You experience puts us in touch with our voice and invites us to show up with it fully: Radiating our presence and speaking up for what we care about.
For us, this is feminine leadership at its best.